non-euclidean geometry

[ˌnɔnju:ˈklidiən dʒiˈɔmitri]
  • 释义
  • 非欧几里得几何学;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    It was this concept that Riemann generalized, thereby opening up new vistas in non - Euclidean geometry.

    这个概念嗣后为Riemann所推广, 从而在 非 欧几里德几何学中开辟了新前景.

  • 2、

    This article starts with the definition of the Euclidean Geometry and the Non - Euclidean Geometry.

    文章从欧几里德几何与 非 欧几里德几何的定义入手,探讨两种几何形态的各自特征.

  • 3、

    The advent of theory of relativity forced a drastic change in the attitude toward non - Euclidean geometry.

    相对论的发现迫使对待 非 欧几里德几何的态度有激烈的变化.
